Assault Rifle Ugram

DRDO Unveils Indian-Made Assault Rifle Ugram

The DRDO has introduced a domestically manufactured assault rifle called “Ugram,” addressing the specific needs of the army. Weighing four kilograms and featuring a 7.62 x 51 mm caliber, this state-of-the-art weapon boasts an effective range of 500 meters. The launch of Ugram enhances the army’s arsenal, meeting the demand for small arms within security forces. Developed in under 100 days, the rifle was unveiled by Dr. SV Gade, Director General (Armament and Combat Engineering Cluster), in the presence of Ankathi Raju, Director (ARDE), along with other senior scientists and industry representatives.

Exploring the Features and Capabilities of DRDO’s Latest Rifle, ‘Ugram

The Ugram rifle, a collaborative effort between the Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) in Pune, a prominent laboratory of DRDO, and the Hyderabad-based private firm Dvipa Armour India Private Limited (DAIPL) has been developed as reported by ANI.

ARDE, equipped as a state-of-the-art facility for manufacturing small arms barrels, is aligned with the project’s objective to become a central hub for barrel manufacturing in the country. This initiative extends its facilities to private firms, showcasing a synergy between government research institutions and the private sector.

This latest assault rifle is purposefully designed to meet the operational needs of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, and police forces, as highlighted in the report. Specifically tailored to adhere to the Indian Army’s General Staff Qualitative Requirements (GSQR), the rifle undergoes a meticulous process in capital procurement. This involves detailing the reasons for the equipment’s necessity, providing comprehensive physical and operational information, and specifying maintainability and quality requirements. The adherence to GSQR ensures that the rifle meets the stringent standards set by the Indian Army, ensuring its suitability for various operational scenarios.

The Assault Rifle Ugram Features:

The Ugram stands out as a cutting-edge assault rifle with a 7.62 x 51 mm caliber, distinguishing it as a more powerful weapon compared to rifles utilizing 5.56 mm caliber rounds, such as the widely used INSAS rifle within the Indian armed forces and paramilitary forces.

Noteworthy features of the Ugram include its effective range of 500 meters, equivalent to approximately five football fields, and a weight of four kilograms, as reported by ANI. The rifle is equipped with a 20-round magazine and offers the flexibility to fire in both automatic and single modes.

The design of the Ugram draws inspiration from the latest AK and AR-type rifles/carbines, featuring a rivet-free design that enhances sturdiness. This configuration reflects advancements in rifle technology, contributing to its reliability and robust performance.

II. Assault Rifle Ugram Devoleped in Just 100 Days.

The director of ARDE, Raju, provided insights into the development process, highlighting that the Ugram project was initiated as a mission-mode project two years ago. Following the design phase by ARDE, efforts were made to identify a private industry partner for the development and manufacturing stages.

The Development cum Production Partner (DcPP) concept was adopted to expedite the project, involving the vendor in both the design and production phases. In this collaborative approach, the private industry partner, in this case, Hyderabad-based Dvipa Armour, played a crucial role. The assault rifle order was placed with Dvipa Armour, and the rifle is now poised to undergo acceptance trials.

Remarkably, the entire development of the new assault rifle was accomplished within a span of 100 days. According to The Times of India, the rifle will undergo comprehensive trials to evaluate its operational capabilities in diverse conditions, including harsh winters, extreme heat, and underwater environments. This thorough testing phase aims to ensure the rifle’s reliability and effectiveness in a variety of real-world scenarios.

III. The UgramTesting 

In reference to the upcoming trials, Director Raju outlined the rigorous evaluation process, stating that a predetermined number of rounds will be continuously fired from the Ugram rifle without any stoppages. The trials will include checks for accuracy and consistency in performance.

As emphasized in the report, various parameters would be examined during the trials, such as the number of rounds fired, the heating of the target, and the dimensions and distribution of bullet impacts.

The trials will encompass testing the weapon in diverse weather and geographic conditions, including high-altitude and desert environments. To oversee the acceptance procedure, a board of Army officers will be constituted.

Director Raju underscored the significance of compliance, mentioning that any non-compliances discovered during the trials would need to be addressed promptly, and if necessary, the trials would be redone. This emphasizes the commitment to ensuring the rifle meets the required standards and specifications set by the armed forces.

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